In the last post, we provided a quick intro to the new memory jar icon and now it’s time to share the first little taste of what the new app is going to look like.
In this post we’ll share a couple of the main screens and then in our next post we’ll share the final details of how your memories are going to be presented, saved and shared with the new app.
New Home screen

The new Home screen provides the first peek into the new design and color palette for the app. The Home screen provides fast navigation to browse existing memories for each family member and also to add a new memory. For a personal touch, the background image changes regularly to display a random photo from your memories.
Adding a new memory

The new Add Memory screen makes it really fast and easy to create the family memories you want to record forever. The selector at the top of the screen allows you to record a new memory against 1 or more family members (great if you have more than one child). And your memories will be incredibly rich if you select multiple photos and add details including a title, date, tags and description.